Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Mission statements and vision goals
Some Values:
Learning, freedom, unlearning, authenticity, being true to oneself, finding who one really is, love,
My mission is to promote the physical, emotional, and spiritual well being of myself and the world(this includes the Earth, living beings, other people) through my day to day interactions, to the best of my abilities. An Interconnectedness model.
This can be brought about through different models. For example, if I can't directly do this type of work through my job, then I may have to just do it through my existence in the world. This is through my interactions with others and myself. Sometimes I just have to exist in this world in a way that I can be myself and take care.
As far as making a living is concerned, I am interested in a lot of different ideas. Like I want to have the flexibility to be going places and taking time off from work to be living in a way that really nurtures my soul. Like I really want to be able to go to the bay area, go to the southwest and either work from there.
The trajectory of time and energy.
We live in a world of endless possibilities. The sooner we get out there and do the things that bring us the most joy, the sooner we tap into the world of possibilities. I guess that in reality, there are always options. But as time rolls on, we continue to be making the best choices that lead to our eventual getting what we want. Think of it in terms of what are the best possible outcomes for certain circumstances. There are always ways of addressing things that work out better for us. Usually when we are happy and feeling good, things work out better for us. It is an energy thing. But at the same time, when we are feeling good, we are more closely tuned into the higher power which can give us guidance in our daily situations. Also, when we are feeling good, the same circumstances can be joyful as opposed to burdensome.
Sometimes I get into the trap of thinking to myself, "Well, I was in a good mood yesterday and I didn't have all of my dreams fulfilled!" So, then I get all down on the whole mindset that says that we can get what we want when we are happy. But I realize that this is a life process. The thing is, when we are feeling good, and we do the things that bring us the most joy, when we take the time to align, we get out there and we shake it up with the world. And when we shake it up, we meet people and do what we want.
I think of it in terms of like how we act and the energy that we attract when we are feeling good versus how we act and vibrate when we are feeling bummed. We are shaking it up in the world and our good energy draws others to us.
My true bliss in the world is to be doing something creative and productive. This is when I am most satisfied in life. Sort of circulating, or regurgitating info, while at one time had its place in my life, is not bringing me joy anymore. My true bliss AT THIS MOMENT is to be fulfilling my very basic calling to get out in the world and connect and be a participant in life with out any complaint, with joy and enthusiasm.
Things that are bringing me joy is getting out and making things happen in my life. Joy is in creating things and then putting them out there. Joy is in meeting people and connecting in different events. Joy is in making money to live off of. Joy is in meeting people and going on dates. My life is calling me to be a lot bolder in how I interact with others and my surroundings. This an idea in which the time has come. I can feel it in my body, because when I take those steps to make things happen my body feels lighter, my mind feels more elated. And in my life, when I take these steps, the world responds in a way that tells me that it is a universal thumbs up. I get what I want, people respond kindly, openly, or at worst, indifferently. Life is too short to stand on the edge and wonder what if... or, if only...
I have been trying to feel life out by randomly riding my bike, and then getting a feel for which way I should go. This method has produced nothing in terms of finding favorable situations. But I do realize that I am following a different system. I am feeling for what places, people, activities, and situations feel good. This makes more sense. I have had a bit of trouble with trusting that method because, although I have encountered pleasurable situations, I have not had success with finding the things I truly wanted in life. I realize that what the issue was, was that I had really sloppy energy surrounding certain issues and that kept me from getting what I wanted. So, I had to clean up my energy in order to clear those blocks. It comes down to not taking things so personally in life. Also, it involves a little bit of a strategy to get out there. But gotta remember to take the time to align. For me, this involves some mental processes, but the one best way is through yoga.
If not now, then later. When we keep our eyes on the prize and persevere, we can get what we want. This really involves our energy. It seems to be this big myth that people are stuck in a certain way in their world. It is such a simple idea that individuals can change in their lives and move up into the life that they want to be living. It seems that people I have known seem so attached to the idea that we are stuck in this crappy life and cannot escape it. I don't get it at all.
Although there are a lot of negative people in the world, even they get what they want sometimes. Although it might not always be the greatest in the world.
Taking time to align helps you to get what you truly need and want, as opposed to false starts and things that end up in disaster. I can want a great boyfriend, and meet someone who is cute, but it could end in some bad way, and I realize that I needed to give more to myself in terms of positive thinking.
An aside:
Does one find who they truly are, or do they create who they truly are? I am in the camp of believing that we are our authentic selves from the beginning, and over time, through living in society and the process of socialization we are crowding out our authentic selves with this whole mess of ego and identity that becomes our outward self.
Through the process of unlearning, we slowly chip away the ego self, or as Eckhart Tolle calls it, The pain-body until what remains is the authentic self. We may have created a life for ourselves, but we are really manifesting who we truly are into the world.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
operating in the universe
This is what I am realizing. I have been really distracted in my life. And I have been really afraid to take risks. I've been generally unhappy and clueless as to who I am and what I really want out of life. This has led to me just scraping by, surviving, feeling like I don't really belong in this world at all.
I spend time hoping that things can change somehow. But I am realizing that that old adage-the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. My life cycles in ways that have felt like they were spiraling out of my control. External locus of control.
I might not be able to manifest money out of thin air, but I do have an idea of how to live my life in a way that works and creates a really solid existence.
These are the classic principles of a good life. I think of creating and having a really solid community is a pretty good start. Being a person about town. I never did get that whole "hide away from the rest of the world" thing that some people have. Like they are wary of other people and don't trust anyone. Weird.
Your community is your support network, its where you meet new people, make connections, find collaborators. Its a lot of fun to meet people and do things together. Thats what people do.
Taking risks is one thing that the universe has been telling me to do for a long time too. That fear of taking risks has led me to be very unhappy. Of course, I have taken risks, like being homeless for several months, or moving to a new city without knowing anyone, but I am discovering that it is more about the little risks. Things like just asking for what I want in life, saying hi to that stranger, putting myself out there in some way through music, art, or film.
I have to follow a plan of action, otherwise I will just spiral off into the world and not get much accomplished.
The Universe has let me know that this is how I thrive in the world. My job is to trust this information and act in accordance with it. Many people don't reach this level of self knowledge, so I am very fortunate in this regard. Of course I asked for it. I wanted this knowledge, because I realized that if I didn't follow who I really am, I don't think that my life would be much worth living.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Practice of living life every day
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Actions affect thoughts
I figure that people can do whatever they want in their lives. I think of it this way. I can act depressed...but, do I have to? No. I can act any way that I want. I find out that when I act a certain way, I begin to feel the way that I am acting. I acknowledge when I am feeling crummy, and I can go with it, or I can get on with my day. Being bummed out has kept me from doing a lot of things, but it is an obstacle that can be conquered over time. Doing meditation helps me with that endeavor. Through that process, I am detached from the heaviness of my mind and I am reminded of the lightness of being. It also reminds me of what I value, what I need, and where I am going. Finally, it reminds me to stay healthy and present in the moment.
I have not created this total healthy and harmonious life as of yet, but I can work towards getting there. Every day I take small steps to just living. It has become really cliché to talk about living in the present moment, I know. But, think about being whoever you want to be in any moment. I have a tendency to dredge up past bad experiences when I am facing an issue in a moment, and that lends to a general sense of despair. I realize though, that I can act any way that I want. There is no rule saying that I can't.
It seems like my mind tries to justify my actions, so, if I am feeling crummy and I would rather not feel this way, I will jump up and down or do something silly-whatever it takes. This is not about denying my feelings, or even being happy. This is about pushing through it, living my life, rather than checking out from the world for a whole winter, or neglecting my friends for months at a time.
How I fill my life with better actions and mindsets
It is about self love. bell hooks emphasizes that to love others is an action, and this applies to loving oneself. These actions start small and build on each other, like building blocks. There are the fundamental building blocks, this is building the body and the mind, and this affects your overall phenomenal field. Taking care of yourself, eating well, getting enough sleep, exercise, and avoiding toxins. These are the fundamentals, you build the rest of the steps of self love on this.
What results is that you become aware of who you are, your energy, your relationship with yourself, with others, with the world. It is about action, patience with the process, and trusting yourself and others.
Why is this such a big mystery? Many are never taught any of these things. Then they turn to all of those books and videos out there that offer some sort of "secret knowledge." These ad campaigns makes it look all esoteric and mysterious, and this is what generates money. I have come across information that is not true at all, in fact, it is harmful. For example, some books tell you to not do anything at all except imagine what you want to happen. Sometimes that works, but more often it doesn't. This information is unethical because it tells people that it is a universal law that you don't have to put any effort into making something happen. This media says that you just have to think about it and it will happen. In reality, you have to think about it to create a plan of action and then you have to take those steps to make things happen. You have to live your life. If you know what you want, and you take the steps, you'll make it happen. This reminds me of this culture's obsession with getting things with out putting any effort into it. We want it as easy as a two minute montage set to an upbeat 80s pop song.
When I get these crummy thoughts, I question my ego. I realize that this is only thoughts in my head, this is not representative of my external reality. I begin to wonder-what is real? Do I choose to waste my energy on negative thoughts? I want to live and love without the past pressing on my present moment.
I want to live this life, not where I feel that I have to retreat back into this cave, this alone place, but rather I want to see the beauty and value in the present moment, no matter where I am. In living. I do this by putting my life together to be, to exist. I would like to live and flow with the world, creative flow of living in the present moment and always doing the things that I want to do, and accepting the moments when I am not doing the things I want to be doing.
This is the work of attention. it is a process, not an event. People are always waiting for some event to happen, like enlightenment, then they think that their life is going to change after that, but it doesn't happen that way.