So I develop a plan of action in life. Like, I want a job, I want a date. In the past, trying so hard didn't give the returns compared to the amount of energy that went into it. But that was a different time and a different place. So, I have to work on it again, but this time I have to know that it is all okay, and that I will get what i want if I am persistent and follow a steady plan of action. No giving up. Staying positive during this time is crucial, otherwise it won't work out.
I figured that I have to set goals, for example, going into ten places a day and asking about jobs. I am hitting up retail, I figure that this may make for some interesting learning experiences and situations. In this process, I am getting over that initial awkwardness in asking some random stranger about job leads. Who is the best person to ask but someone who actually works in the place where I am trying to get a job. I also am making up a list of places to apply. My friend is my task master, and as I am getting discouraged, she has to make me walk into that next business and ask about that job. And she is right, otherwise I might not go into a place.
It is like a practice in daily life. For example, if you want to write, you should practice by writing every day, even if its crap. A writing teacher gave some advice on how to become a good writer, it is about the ass meeting the chair. That is what this blog is all about. Similarly, if you want to be more outgoing, you should engage in talking with people all the time, especially in situations where there is little risk, so that you can get comfortable with talking with strangers. There are always opportunities to practice these good habits until you get what you want.
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